mare / Dt. Sportpferd / chestnut / 1.62m / Concetto x Zora (Castro x Toledo) / *2004
„El. St. Zorcetta“ is a typeful breeding mare with three really good gaits. Her father „Concetto Famos“ (unforgettable with Meredith-Michaels-Beerbaum at the Hamburger Derby) has given her the speed and the caution at the obstacle. All of „El.St. Zorcetta“ descendants are highly succesful in sports. „El.St.Zorcetta“ is mother of championship-winner and mother oft he price-peak at the „Frühjahr Elite Aukjtion 2020“. Her daughter „Zarzuela OLD“ has been sold with a price of 111.000€ to Austria and is now internationally succesful.
Her daughter „Zoey“ is internationally succesful up to 1.45m.
We are expecting a foal from "Dia Corado" in 2025.