St.Pr. / El. St. Katullka
mare / Old. / brown / 1.71m / Fidertanz x El.St.Kattulika (Rubinstein I x Admirand) / *2007
This tall mare out oft he Oldenburger Kateste tribe has three really good gaits and a very good exterieur.
„Katullka“ is mother of several champion foals, licensed stallions and mares and a couple of succesful sports horses up to heavy classes.
"Katullka" is mother of two licensed stallion. "Big Bang" has been vice champion 2022 and has been awarded with the OLD name.
Performance as its best.
In 2025 were are expecting two times foals from "Escamillo" (one by Katullka itself and one with embryo-transfer).